Day 1 – Knowledge Day, Venue: FHNW, Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland
On the first day, mainly customers, representatives/distributors and students from the D-A-CH region are invited to the Day of Knowledge. The program is divided into three sections. First, renowned professors will speak about the challenges for future electrical grids from a scientific perspective. Therein, for example, they will shed light on topics such as extending the service life of primary devices through monitoring or the challenges of operating equipment through DC voltage. In the second section, speakers from grid operators will report on challenges and innovations in the transmission and distribution grids. The third part is the panel discussion with the main topic, “Strengthening the professional environment of electrical grids/high-voltage technology”, with representatives from the industry and the education system. After these substantial contributions, a more relaxed atmosphere shall be created in order to facilitate networking and interpersonal exchange – an aperitif will round off this exiting day. The event will take place at the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland in Brugg-Windisch.
Please note: The presentations will be held in German and simultaneously translated into English and French.
Day 2 – Innovations and Technologies of the PFIFFNER Group, Venue: Kultur & Kongresshaus (KUK) Aarau
The innovative products, systems and services of the PFIFFNER Group are the focus of the second day. These include the new sensor products from HAEFELY, the 420/550 kV bushings from MOSER GLASER, the new DCCT and F-gas-free instrument transformer from PFIFFNER, the new CBDE disconnector generation from ALPHA-ET or system reference projects from PFIFFNER Systems / HAVECO. Experts will provide insight into these new developments and Innovations. The venue for the second day is Aarau. An excursion to a power engineering showcase in the energy canton of Aargau, and a special evening event – “a dinner for all” – will conclude the second day.
Attention: The presentations and guided tours will be held in English. Exception: The presentations in stream 2, from 10.30 – 11.55 a.m., will be in German (CH-relevant projects).
Detailed program
Welcome coffee / reception of the guests
Welcome/introduction to the conference
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Bernauer
Challenges to the electrical grids of the future from a system perspective
Prof. Dr. Martin Geidl
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Engineering, Switzerland
Options for extending the service life of primary equipment
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephanie Uhrig
University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany
Challenges for insulation systems with DC voltage
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Küchler
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS), Germany
Coffee break
Transient Behaviour of HVDC Insulation Systems
Prof. Markus H. Zink
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS), Germany
Materials in insulation technology, in particular, their erosion and tracking resistance
Dipl. Ing. FH Stefan Kuehnel
Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Role and development of Swissgrid’s Swiss transmission network
Dipl. Ing. ETH/HTL Antoine Pochon
Head of Grid Strategy, Swissgrid AG, Switzerland
Lunch break
A way towards a CO2 free substation
Dipl. Ing. Christian Lindner
Head of Engineering, Axpo Grid AG, Switzerland
Challenges and Innovations in the Context of the Energy Transition from the Perspective of a German Transmission System Operator
Dr. Florian Martin
Head of Asset Management / Asset Technology, TenneT TSO GmbH, Germany
Energy transition 2045 – How can an accelerated expansion of the 110kV grid of Netze BW succeed?
Dr. Andreas Kühner
Head of Grid Development Projects, Netze BW GmbH, Germany
Coffee break
Digital substation using the example of the transformer
Dipl. Ing. Fredi Belavić
Asset Manager, Austrian Power Grid AG, Austria
Basic investigations on electrical insulation systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Klemm
University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken (HTW), Germany
Project F-gas-free circuit breaker; simulation, experiments, Digital Twin
Dr. Roman Fuchs
Lecturer, CAS CFD, FH Ost, Switzerland
Prof. Martin Pischtschan
Lecturer, FHNW, Switzerland
Kilian Pedolin
Research assistant, FHNW, Switzerland
Laura Tiedemann
Research assistant, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Panel discussion (Strengthening the professional environment/The Power Lab/Energy Canton Aargau/View of grid operators)
Speakers/Experts from Industry and Education and with Dieter Egli, Member of the Cantonal Government of Aargau
Aperitif / Reception
Welcome coffee / reception of the guests
Introduction PFIFFNER Group
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Bernauer
Keynote: Sustainability – Outlook for the Transformer Industry
Dr. Mladen Banovic
Director / Chief Editor, Transformers Magazine
STREAM 1 – Instrument Transformers
New air-insulated 123 kV instrument transformer for AIS without SF6 gas
Ralf Riel
Martin Boss
Head of Technology, PFIFFNER Switzerland
Development of an Eco-Friendly Circuit Breaker
Francesco Pisu
Head of Circuit Breakers, PFIFFNER Switzerland
STREAM 2 – Disconnectors
Challenges During the Development of a Center Break Disconnector
Lorenz Grimm
Development Engineer, ALPHA Elektrotechnik
First pilot project realised with the new disconnector type CBD 170kV
Mattias Wimmer
Head of Disconnectors, ALPHA Elektrotechnik
Coffee break
STREAM 1 – Instrument Transformers and Testing
RC-High Voltage Dividers for HVDC applications
Oleg Kuzmin
Product & Project Manager, PFIFFNER Switzerland
Application examples for the new HV-DC current transformer for up to 20kA
Dr.-Ing. Manfred Winkelnkemper
Head of R&D, PFIFFNER Switzerland
High-precision transformer measurement with new digital measuring bridge CITAS & VITAS
Marc Brunner
Product Engineer, HAEFELY
STREAM 2 – Systems and services
Presentation of HAVECO based on the Project “Renewal of 170kV AIS Switchgear”
Stefan Häni
Sustainable Swiss project – Retrofit of an ewz switchgear for Zurich
Dipl. Ing. Walter Stetter
Felix Behringer
Head of Sales Switzerland, PFIFFNER Switzerland
Sustainable Project Electric Bus “Citywide”
Torsten Berth
Business Development Manager, HAEFELY
Buffet lunch
STREAM 1 – High voltage tests
PD detector DDX 9160/61 as a Tool for Partial Discharge Measurement
Dr. Petr Mráz
Product Manager, HAEFELY
Preliminary experience with a mobile test system for 525kV DC Cables
Michael Gamlin
Manager System Engineering & Projects, HAEFELY
AC on-site cable tests with the mobile system up to 520kV test voltage (RSKF)
Dr. Lorenz Bort
Design Engineer, HAEFELY
STREAM 2 – Bushings and busbars
Expansion of the transformer bushing family including the 420kV and 550kV range
Laurent Vlesik
Head of Sales Bushings, MOSER GLASER
Retrofit of transformers with modern bushing technology
Laurent Vlesik
Head of Sales Bushings, MOSER GLASER
DURESCA busbars for hydroelectric power plants and offshore wind farms
Roger Hausy
Sales Engineer Busbars, MOSER GLASER